Thursday, February 1, 2007

The First Amendment -- and a trip to China

John Seigenthaler gave us a wonderful talk about the First Amendment yesterday. I was not only amazed by him but also by the amount of information he gave us.

It was hard to grasp all the information at the time. Now that I’ve had time to reflect on and think about this training and my coming trip to China, I understand that the First Amendment is the most powerful tool we as journalists have.

During the last two weeks, I’ve been doing as much research as I can before I travel to China in May. My reporting class requires us to complete a 10-minute story for radio about an issue in China.

The more I read about China, the more nervous I’ve become. China has one of the fastest growing economies in the world, but it is still a communist state. China does not have freedom of the press; because of that, more journalists are in jail there than in any other country. Having to deal with a language barrier and with censorship will be challenging.

I plan to find sources before I travel, seeking help in overcoming the barriers from journalists who have worked in China. (CQS Program Coordinator) Michelle Hedenskoog has promised to give me the contact information for some Chips Quinn alumni who have traveled to China. I also want to pursue and meet with experts here in the United States who might be able to put me in touch with people in China.

-- Maria Ines Zamudio, Summer 2007 Scholar, Springfield (M0.) News-Leader

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