Thursday, February 1, 2007

Living Loie's philosophy

When I arrived at the John Seigenthaler Center Thursday my thoughts were filled with the comments I had heard from previous “Chipsters” who affirmed I would never be the same after my Chips Quinn experience. I was excited and grateful for the chance to come to Nashville and participate in the conferences and exercises. I was confident the speakers and coaches would improve my writing skills and maybe even give me the dose of “journalism juice” I was craving.

Five months into my first job, after three months as an intern at the same paper, self-doubt had begun clouding my work and fear was steering me toward another career path. Cynicism from colleagues was beginning to wear on my usually vibrant personality and positive outlook. Even a dreaded career in public relations had begun to look like a possibility.

I am not saying all my fears are quelled. I teeter between a lack of confidence and an incessant drive to succeed, which makes my life harder than it has to be at times. But these last few days have filled me with hope that journalism is the place for me. I cannot begin to name everyone who has touched me over these last few days. Each person has been special and has provided me with some needed comment or warm set of words.

Sitting through session after session with my fellow Chipsters, alums and all of the phenomenal Freedom Forum gang, I never felt more at ease or more satisfied with the people I was surrounded by.

From line dancing to dancing along to the Freedom Rockers, from laughs to tears, all of it was special and life changing.

There are so many quotes I take away with me. I plan to hold on to them and replay them in my head so when times get tough again I can remember why I am doing what I am doing, and why I belong exactly where I am.

But quite possibly my favorite quote of this trip is something John Quinn said as he handed out Loie Legacy Awards to Chips alums. He said his late wife lived by the quote: “Dance like nobody’s watching, sing like nobody’s listening, love like you’ve never been hurt and live like it’s heaven on Earth.” I plan to.

-- Connie Llanos, education reporter, Daily News, Los Angeles and California State University-Northridge

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