Thursday, February 1, 2007

What the profs don't tell you

Learning the "Rules of the Room" was a fascinating experience, especially because this topic is not normally discussed in class.

Professors sometimes will tell us what to expect but not really prepare us for the realities of what we will be facing in the newsroom. I believe that professors should teach this valuable information. Learning how to talk to and approach editors and reporters to get their full attention is an important issue, as important as learning to write a lead.

Knowing the written and unwritten rules will be our shield not only in the newsroom but also in the field. We can apply the rules to the interviews we conduct, the meetings we attend and even to the things we do in our personal daily lives. Although many of these rules are based on common sense, it is always good to be reminded of them.

-- Gabriela Gonzalez, Spring Scholar, Ventura County (Calif.) Star and California State University-Northridge

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