Thursday, February 1, 2007

We are family

One more chapter in my life is closing, yet many others are on their way. These four days have made a significant impact on my life that will contribute to my future career and personal life.

Since my acceptance into the program, I haven't stopped thinking about my first day on the job. Orientation has given me the tools to perform professionally in the field. I now have more confidence in my ability to face problems and work with my colleagues.

I am taking a heavy package with me: Responsibility and loyalty. I have a responsibility to be a good communicator, to be accurate and professional and to love and enjoy this career.

I am honored to have witnessed the Loie Legacy Awards that recognize the hard work of Chips Quinn Scholars and paid tribute to coach Dick Thien.

Many seminars were helpful and inspiring, including "Do's and don'ts," "First Amendment,” and "Rules of the room."

The combination of delicious food and dancing at the Wildhorse Saloon will make for a lasting memory – not to mention my accidentally stepping into people on the dance floor (sorry!), doing the wrong steps and even falling down. Yes, the Wildhorse Saloon was wild.

Thanks to everyone for sharing your stories and letting me to get to know you more. I guess we are all a family now. And thank you for the gift of a wonderful and unique life experience.

-- Gabriela Gonzalez, Spring Scholar, Ventura County (Calif.) Star and California State University-Northridge

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