Friday, January 26, 2007

The importance of journalism

Thursday night’s sneak peek at what this weekend has in store for the Chips Quinn Scholars was almost like a breath of fresh air and a reminder of how vital journalism is. It was quite inspiring meeting determined young journalists who have the same goals as I and professionals who are dedicated to helping us pursue those goals. This weekend is not just about helping young aspiring journalists; it also is about the view we all share. (Program Director) Karen Catone asked us Scholars to find something in common with each person in the room. Being at the orientation already convinced me of one thing we all have in common: Our belief in journalism.

It's a beautiful thing to see a room full of individuals dedicated to truth and the importance of showing it through photos or telling it through words. It's a beautiful thing to hear my peers talk about what they hope to accomplish by becoming journalists. Just being at the Freedom Forum -- where the First Amendment is shining bright as you walk into the building and where headlines are posted in bathroom stalls -- serves as a reminder of the importance of journalism.

The inspiration I experienced reassured me that I am on the right path. I am proud to be taking such an adventurous route.

-- Diana Diroy, Spring Scholar, The Oakland (Calif.) Tribune and San Jose State University

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