Thursday, February 1, 2007

Mixed emotions

It's the final day of Chips Quinn orientation. Part of me is happy about that because it means I get to return to my job. But it's also difficult to leave.

I have had the pleasure of knowing many people involved with the Freedom Forum for many years now, and it is great to see them again and catch up. Obviously, it also is difficult to part with the new friends I have made. I'm torn between getting back to doing what I love – working for the Argus Leader – and leaving the people I have grown to love.

I have heard it described how Chipsters are a close family. I didn't believe I would be able to get close to 14 strangers in just four days. I was wrong. The Chips Quinn Scholars program is an unforgettable experience.

From the inspiring words of John Quinn and other speakers, to hanging out with Rick (the owner of the Red Door Saloon – Go Bears!) with Mariecar (Mendoza), Brian (Aguilar), Kellie (Hwang) and Connie (Llanos), to watching Jack Marsh and Karen Catone line dancing at the Wildhorse, to all of the other experiences: Thank you.

-- Craig Henry, online journalist, Argus Leader, Sioux Falls, S.D., and University of Oklahoma

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